Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Holidays With Alzheimer's Disease

The Holidays are moving forward and when you have someone with the disease, the Holidays are bitter sweet. Although the joy is still part of the season, the Holidays often are full of many bumps. Just before Christmas I was spending time with Mom and although I spend a hour or so each day, this day, as the 2 days before, I was only spending 30 minutes or so. I said to Mom, I have to go, I have so much to do. I love you." She looked up at me and said "if you loved me you would not go" At this very emotional time of the year, you can imagine how difficult this comment was. Although I tell families all the time "it is the disease talking, not your loved one" It is different when it is your Mom. It is true, however, that Alzheimer's Disease causes people to do and say things they would never have done without the disease.

Let's discuss some things which can help us to decompress from the "Holiday Stress" over the next several weeks.
1. For any parties, family celebrations or other gatherings, remember they do not have to be perfect. Don't create your own stress
2. Try to keep things simple.
3. Phase the festivities in and out. The best way to not end up depressed and with a sense of loss, is to not take away ALL of the holiday trimmings at once.
4. Use the traditions of the families. This is helpful to you and for your loved one with the disease.
5. Get enough rest, exercise, and fluids. Over eating, too much coffee, and inactivity, all are forms of stress in their own right and take their toll at this time of the year for you and your loved one.

Take care of yourself. May God keep you in the palm of Her hand